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Text File  |  1997-06-09  |  34KB  |  492 lines

  1. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  3. -- object definitions compiled from RFC1155-SMI
  5. iso             1
  6. internet             iso.3.6.1
  7. directory            internet.1
  8. mgmt                 internet.2
  9. experimental         internet.3
  10. private              internet.4
  11. enterprises          private.1
  12. unix                 enterprises.4
  13. agents               unix.1
  14. fourBSD-isode        agents.2
  15. peers                unix.3
  16. unixd                peers.1
  18. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  20. -- object definitions compiled from RFCxxxx-MIB
  22. mib-2                mgmt.1
  23. system               mib-2.1
  24. interfaces           mib-2.2
  25. at                   mib-2.3
  26. ip                   mib-2.4
  27. icmp                 mib-2.5
  28. tcp                  mib-2.6
  29. udp                  mib-2.7
  30. egp                  mib-2.8
  31. transmission         mib-2.10
  32. snmp                 mib-2.11
  34. sysDescr             system.1         DisplayString   read-only       mandatory
  35. sysObjectID          system.2         ObjectID        read-only       mandatory
  36. sysUpTime            system.3         TimeTicks       read-only       mandatory
  37. sysContact           system.4         DisplayString   read-write      mandatory
  38. sysName              system.5         DisplayString   read-write      mandatory
  39. sysLocation          system.6         DisplayString   read-write      mandatory
  40. sysServices          system.7         Services        read-only       mandatory
  41. ifNumber             interfaces.1     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  42. ifTable              interfaces.2     Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  43. ifEntry              ifTable.1        Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  44. ifIndex              ifEntry.1        INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  45. ifDescr              ifEntry.2        DisplayString   read-only       mandatory
  46. ifType               ifEntry.3        INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  47. ifMtu                ifEntry.4        INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  48. ifSpeed              ifEntry.5        Gauge           read-only       mandatory
  49. ifPhysAddress        ifEntry.6        PhysAddress     read-only       mandatory
  50. ifAdminStatus        ifEntry.7        INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  51. ifOperStatus         ifEntry.8        INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  52. ifLastChange         ifEntry.9        TimeTicks       read-only       mandatory
  53. ifInOctets           ifEntry.10       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  54. ifInUcastPkts        ifEntry.11       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  55. ifInNUcastPkts       ifEntry.12       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  56. ifInDiscards         ifEntry.13       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  57. ifInErrors           ifEntry.14       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  58. ifInUnknownProtos    ifEntry.15       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  59. ifOutOctets          ifEntry.16       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  60. ifOutUcastPkts       ifEntry.17       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  61. ifOutNUcastPkts      ifEntry.18       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  62. ifOutDiscards        ifEntry.19       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  63. ifOutErrors          ifEntry.20       Counter         read-only       mandatory
  64. ifOutQLen            ifEntry.21       Gauge           read-only       mandatory
  65. ifSpecific           ifEntry.22       ObjectID        read-only       mandatory
  66. atTable              at.1             Aggregate       not-accessible  deprecated
  67. atEntry              atTable.1        Aggregate       not-accessible  deprecated
  68. atIfIndex            atEntry.1        INTEGER         read-write      deprecated
  69. atPhysAddress        atEntry.2        PhysAddress     read-write      deprecated
  70. atNetAddress         atEntry.3        NetworkAddress  read-write      deprecated
  71. ipForwarding         ip.1             INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  72. ipDefaultTTL         ip.2             INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  73. ipInReceives         ip.3             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  74. ipInHdrErrors        ip.4             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  75. ipInAddrErrors       ip.5             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  76. ipForwDatagrams      ip.6             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  77. ipInUnknownProtos    ip.7             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  78. ipInDiscards         ip.8             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  79. ipInDelivers         ip.9             Counter         read-only       mandatory
  80. ipOutRequests        ip.10            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  81. ipOutDiscards        ip.11            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  82. ipOutNoRoutes        ip.12            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  83. ipReasmTimeout       ip.13            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  84. ipReasmReqds         ip.14            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  85. ipReasmOKs           ip.15            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  86. ipReasmFails         ip.16            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  87. ipFragOKs            ip.17            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  88. ipFragFails          ip.18            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  89. ipFragCreates        ip.19            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  90. ipAddrTable          ip.20            Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  91. ipAddrEntry          ipAddrTable.1    Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  92. ipAdEntAddr          ipAddrEntry.1    IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  93. ipAdEntIfIndex       ipAddrEntry.2    INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  94. ipAdEntNetMask       ipAddrEntry.3    IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  95. ipAdEntBcastAddr     ipAddrEntry.4    INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  96. ipAdEntReasmMaxSize  ipAddrEntry.5    INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  97. ipRouteTable         ip.21            Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  98. ipRouteEntry         ipRouteTable.1   Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  99. ipRouteDest          ipRouteEntry.1   IpAddress       read-write      mandatory
  100. ipRouteIfIndex       ipRouteEntry.2   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  101. ipRouteMetric1       ipRouteEntry.3   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  102. ipRouteMetric2       ipRouteEntry.4   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  103. ipRouteMetric3       ipRouteEntry.5   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  104. ipRouteMetric4       ipRouteEntry.6   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  105. ipRouteNextHop       ipRouteEntry.7   IpAddress       read-write      mandatory
  106. ipRouteType          ipRouteEntry.8   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  107. ipRouteProto         ipRouteEntry.9   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  108. ipRouteAge           ipRouteEntry.10  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  109. ipRouteMask          ipRouteEntry.11  IpAddress       read-write      mandatory
  110. ipRouteMetric5       ipRouteEntry.12  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  111. ipRouteInfo          ipRouteEntry.13  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  112. ipNetToMediaTable    ip.22            Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  113. ipNetToMediaEntry    ipNetToMediaTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  114. ipNetToMediaIfIndex  ipNetToMediaEntry.1 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  115. ipNetToMediaPhysAddress ipNetToMediaEntry.2 PhysAddress     read-write      mandatory
  116. ipNetToMediaNetAddress ipNetToMediaEntry.3 IpAddress       read-write      mandatory
  117. ipNetToMediaType     ipNetToMediaEntry.4 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  118. ipRoutingDiscards    ip.23            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  119. icmpInMsgs           icmp.1           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  120. icmpInErrors         icmp.2           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  121. icmpInDestUnreachs   icmp.3           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  122. icmpInTimeExcds      icmp.4           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  123. icmpInParmProbs      icmp.5           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  124. icmpInSrcQuenchs     icmp.6           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  125. icmpInRedirects      icmp.7           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  126. icmpInEchos          icmp.8           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  127. icmpInEchoReps       icmp.9           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  128. icmpInTimestamps     icmp.10          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  129. icmpInTimestampReps  icmp.11          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  130. icmpInAddrMasks      icmp.12          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  131. icmpInAddrMaskReps   icmp.13          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  132. icmpOutMsgs          icmp.14          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  133. icmpOutErrors        icmp.15          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  134. icmpOutDestUnreachs  icmp.16          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  135. icmpOutTimeExcds     icmp.17          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  136. icmpOutParmProbs     icmp.18          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  137. icmpOutSrcQuenchs    icmp.19          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  138. icmpOutRedirects     icmp.20          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  139. icmpOutEchos         icmp.21          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  140. icmpOutEchoReps      icmp.22          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  141. icmpOutTimestamps    icmp.23          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  142. icmpOutTimestampReps icmp.24          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  143. icmpOutAddrMasks     icmp.25          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  144. icmpOutAddrMaskReps  icmp.26          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  145. tcpRtoAlgorithm      tcp.1            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  146. tcpRtoMin            tcp.2            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  147. tcpRtoMax            tcp.3            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  148. tcpMaxConn           tcp.4            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  149. tcpActiveOpens       tcp.5            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  150. tcpPassiveOpens      tcp.6            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  151. tcpAttemptFails      tcp.7            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  152. tcpEstabResets       tcp.8            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  153. tcpCurrEstab         tcp.9            Gauge           read-only       mandatory
  154. tcpInSegs            tcp.10           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  155. tcpOutSegs           tcp.11           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  156. tcpRetransSegs       tcp.12           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  157. tcpConnTable         tcp.13           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  158. tcpConnEntry         tcpConnTable.1   Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  159. tcpConnState         tcpConnEntry.1   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  160. tcpConnLocalAddress  tcpConnEntry.2   IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  161. tcpConnLocalPort     tcpConnEntry.3   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  162. tcpConnRemAddress    tcpConnEntry.4   IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  163. tcpConnRemPort       tcpConnEntry.5   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  164. tcpInErrs            tcp.14           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  165. tcpOutRsts           tcp.15           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  166. udpInDatagrams       udp.1            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  167. udpNoPorts           udp.2            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  168. udpInErrors          udp.3            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  169. udpOutDatagrams      udp.4            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  170. udpTable             udp.5            Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  171. udpEntry             udpTable.1       Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  172. udpLocalAddress      udpEntry.1       IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  173. udpLocalPort         udpEntry.2       INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  174. egpInMsgs            egp.1            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  175. egpInErrors          egp.2            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  176. egpOutMsgs           egp.3            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  177. egpOutErrors         egp.4            Counter         read-only       mandatory
  178. egpNeighTable        egp.5            Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  179. egpNeighEntry        egpNeighTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  180. egpNeighState        egpNeighEntry.1  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  181. egpNeighAddr         egpNeighEntry.2  IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  182. egpNeighAs           egpNeighEntry.3  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  183. egpNeighInMsgs       egpNeighEntry.4  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  184. egpNeighInErrs       egpNeighEntry.5  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  185. egpNeighOutMsgs      egpNeighEntry.6  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  186. egpNeighOutErrs      egpNeighEntry.7  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  187. egpNeighInErrMsgs    egpNeighEntry.8  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  188. egpNeighOutErrMsgs   egpNeighEntry.9  Counter         read-only       mandatory
  189. egpNeighStateUps     egpNeighEntry.10 Counter         read-only       mandatory
  190. egpNeighStateDowns   egpNeighEntry.11 Counter         read-only       mandatory
  191. egpNeighIntervalHello egpNeighEntry.12 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  192. egpNeighIntervalPoll egpNeighEntry.13 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  193. egpNeighMode         egpNeighEntry.14 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  194. egpNeighEventTrigger egpNeighEntry.15 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  195. egpAs                egp.6            INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  196. snmpInPkts           snmp.1           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  197. snmpOutPkts          snmp.2           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  198. snmpInBadVersions    snmp.3           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  199. snmpInBadCommunityNames snmp.4           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  200. snmpInBadCommunityUses snmp.5           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  201. snmpInASNParseErrs   snmp.6           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  202. snmpInTooBigs        snmp.8           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  203. snmpInNoSuchNames    snmp.9           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  204. snmpInBadValues      snmp.10          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  205. snmpInReadOnlys      snmp.11          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  206. snmpInGenErrs        snmp.12          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  207. snmpInTotalReqVars   snmp.13          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  208. snmpInTotalSetVars   snmp.14          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  209. snmpInGetRequests    snmp.15          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  210. snmpInGetNexts       snmp.16          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  211. snmpInSetRequests    snmp.17          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  212. snmpInGetResponses   snmp.18          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  213. snmpInTraps          snmp.19          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  214. snmpOutTooBigs       snmp.20          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  215. snmpOutNoSuchNames   snmp.21          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  216. snmpOutBadValues     snmp.22          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  217. snmpOutGenErrs       snmp.24          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  218. snmpOutGetRequests   snmp.25          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  219. snmpOutGetNexts      snmp.26          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  220. snmpOutSetRequests   snmp.27          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  221. snmpOutGetResponses  snmp.28          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  222. snmpOutTraps         snmp.29          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  223. snmpEnableAuthenTraps snmp.30          INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  226. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  228. -- object definitions compiled from CLNS-MIB
  230. clns                 experimental.1
  231. clnp                 clns.1
  232. error                clns.2
  233. echo                 clns.3
  234. es-is                clns.4
  236. clnpForwarding       clnp.1           INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  237. clnpDefaultLifeTime  clnp.2           INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  238. clnpInReceives       clnp.3           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  239. clnpInHdrErrors      clnp.4           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  240. clnpInAddrErrors     clnp.5           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  241. clnpForwPDUs         clnp.6           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  242. clnpInUnknownNLPs    clnp.7           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  243. clnpInUnknownULPs    clnp.8           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  244. clnpInDiscards       clnp.9           Counter         read-only       mandatory
  245. clnpInDelivers       clnp.10          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  246. clnpOutRequests      clnp.11          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  247. clnpOutDiscards      clnp.12          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  248. clnpOutNoRoutes      clnp.13          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  249. clnpReasmTimeout     clnp.14          INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  250. clnpReasmReqds       clnp.15          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  251. clnpReasmOKs         clnp.16          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  252. clnpReasmFails       clnp.17          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  253. clnpSegOKs           clnp.18          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  254. clnpSegFails         clnp.19          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  255. clnpSegCreates       clnp.20          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  256. clnpInOpts           clnp.25          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  257. clnpOutOpts          clnp.26          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  258. clnpAddrTable        clnp.21          Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  259. clnpAddrEntry        clnpAddrTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  260. clnpAdEntAddr        clnpAddrEntry.1  ClnpAddress     read-only       mandatory
  261. clnpAdEntIfIndex     clnpAddrEntry.2  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  262. clnpAdEntReasmMaxSize clnpAddrEntry.3  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  263. clnpRoutingTable     clnp.22          Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  264. clnpRouteEntry       clnpRoutingTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  265. clnpRouteDest        clnpRouteEntry.1 ClnpAddress     read-write      mandatory
  266. clnpRouteIfIndex     clnpRouteEntry.2 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  267. clnpRouteMetric1     clnpRouteEntry.3 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  268. clnpRouteMetric2     clnpRouteEntry.4 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  269. clnpRouteMetric3     clnpRouteEntry.5 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  270. clnpRouteMetric4     clnpRouteEntry.6 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  271. clnpRouteNextHop     clnpRouteEntry.7 ClnpAddress     read-write      mandatory
  272. clnpRouteType        clnpRouteEntry.8 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  273. clnpRouteProto       clnpRouteEntry.9 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  274. clnpRouteAge         clnpRouteEntry.10 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  275. clnpNetToMediaTable  clnp.23          Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  276. clnpNetToMediaEntry  clnpNetToMediaTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  277. clnpNetToMediaIfIndex clnpNetToMediaEntry.1 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  278. clnpNetToMediaPhysAddress clnpNetToMediaEntry.2 OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  279. clnpNetToMediaNetAddress clnpNetToMediaEntry.3 ClnpAddress     read-write      mandatory
  280. clnpNetToMediaType   clnpNetToMediaEntry.4 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  281. clnpNetToMediaAge    clnpNetToMediaEntry.5 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  282. clnpNetToMediaHoldTime clnpNetToMediaEntry.6 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  283. clnpMediaToNetTable  clnp.24          Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  284. clnpMediaToNetEntry  clnpMediaToNetTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  285. clnpMediaToNetIfIndex clnpMediaToNetEntry.1 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  286. clnpMediaToNetNetAddress clnpMediaToNetEntry.2 ClnpAddress     read-write      mandatory
  287. clnpMediaToNetPhysAddress clnpMediaToNetEntry.3 OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  288. clnpMediaToNetType   clnpMediaToNetEntry.4 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  289. clnpMediaToNetAge    clnpMediaToNetEntry.5 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  290. clnpMediaToNetHoldTime clnpMediaToNetEntry.6 INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  291. clnpInErrors         error.1          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  292. clnpOutErrors        error.2          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  293. clnpInErrUnspecs     error.3          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  294. clnpInErrProcs       error.4          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  295. clnpInErrCksums      error.5          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  296. clnpInErrCongests    error.6          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  297. clnpInErrHdrs        error.7          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  298. clnpInErrSegs        error.8          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  299. clnpInErrIncomps     error.9          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  300. clnpInErrDups        error.10         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  301. clnpInErrUnreachDsts error.11         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  302. clnpInErrUnknownDsts error.12         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  303. clnpInErrSRUnspecs   error.13         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  304. clnpInErrSRSyntaxes  error.14         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  305. clnpInErrSRUnkAddrs  error.15         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  306. clnpInErrSRBadPaths  error.16         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  307. clnpInErrHops        error.17         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  308. clnpInErrHopReassms  error.18         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  309. clnpInErrUnsOptions  error.19         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  310. clnpInErrUnsVersions error.20         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  311. clnpInErrUnsSecurities error.21         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  312. clnpInErrUnsSRs      error.22         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  313. clnpInErrUnsRRs      error.23         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  314. clnpInErrInterferences error.24         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  315. clnpOutErrUnspecs    error.25         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  316. clnpOutErrProcs      error.26         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  317. clnpOutErrCksums     error.27         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  318. clnpOutErrCongests   error.28         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  319. clnpOutErrHdrs       error.29         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  320. clnpOutErrSegs       error.30         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  321. clnpOutErrIncomps    error.31         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  322. clnpOutErrDups       error.32         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  323. clnpOutErrUnreachDsts error.33         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  324. clnpOutErrUnknownDsts error.34         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  325. clnpOutErrSRUnspecs  error.35         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  326. clnpOutErrSRSyntaxes error.36         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  327. clnpOutErrSRUnkAddrs error.37         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  328. clnpOutErrSRBadPaths error.38         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  329. clnpOutErrHops       error.39         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  330. clnpOutErrHopReassms error.40         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  331. clnpOutErrUnsOptions error.41         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  332. clnpOutErrUnsVersions error.42         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  333. clnpOutErrUnsSecurities error.43         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  334. clnpOutErrUnsSRs     error.44         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  335. clnpOutErrUnsRRs     error.45         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  336. clnpOutErrInterferences error.46         Counter         read-only       mandatory
  337. esisESHins           es-is.1          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  338. esisESHouts          es-is.2          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  339. esisISHins           es-is.3          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  340. esisISHouts          es-is.4          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  341. esisRDUins           es-is.5          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  342. esisRDUouts          es-is.6          Counter         read-only       mandatory
  345. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  347. -- object definitions compiled from RFCxxxx-MIB
  349. view                 experimental.11
  350. defaultView          view.2
  351. defViewWholeRW       defaultView.1
  352. defViewWholeRO       defaultView.2
  353. defViewStandardRW    defaultView.3
  354. defViewStandardRO    defaultView.4
  355. defViewTrapDest      defaultView.5
  356. viewDomains          view.3
  357. localAgent           0.0
  358. snmpDomain           viewDomains.1
  359. rfc1157Domain        snmpDomain.1
  360. cltsDomain           snmpDomain.3
  361. cotsNDomain          snmpDomain.4
  362. cotsXDomain          snmpDomain.5
  364. viewPrimTable        view.1           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  365. viewPrimEntry        viewPrimTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  366. viewPrimName         viewPrimEntry.1  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  367. viewPrimTDomain      viewPrimEntry.2  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  368. viewPrimTAddr        viewPrimEntry.3  OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  369. viewPrimUser         viewPrimEntry.4  OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  370. viewPrimCommunity    viewPrimEntry.5  OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  371. viewPrimType         viewPrimEntry.6  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  372. viewAclTable         view.4           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  373. viewAclEntry         viewAclTable.1   Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  374. viewAclView          viewAclEntry.1   ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  375. viewAclCommunity     viewAclEntry.2   OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  376. viewAclUser          viewAclEntry.3   OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  377. viewAclPrivileges    viewAclEntry.4   Privileges      read-write      mandatory
  378. viewAclType          viewAclEntry.5   INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  379. viewTrapTable        view.5           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  380. viewTrapEntry        viewTrapTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  381. viewTrapView         viewTrapEntry.1  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  382. viewTrapGenerics     viewTrapEntry.2  OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  383. viewTrapSpecifics    viewTrapEntry.3  OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  384. viewTrapType         viewTrapEntry.4  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  385. viewTranTable        view.6           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  386. viewTranEntry        viewTranTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  387. viewSourceName       viewTranEntry.1  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  388. viewSourceSubtree    viewTranEntry.2  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  389. viewTargetName       viewTranEntry.3  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  390. viewTargetSubtree    viewTranEntry.4  ObjectID        read-write      mandatory
  391. viewTranType         viewTranEntry.5  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  394. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  396. -- object definitions compiled from SMUX-MIB
  398. smux                 unix.4
  399. netstat              unix.5
  401. smuxPeerTable        smux.1           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  402. smuxPeerEntry        smuxPeerTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  403. smuxPindex           smuxPeerEntry.1  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  404. smuxPidentity        smuxPeerEntry.2  ObjectID        read-only       mandatory
  405. smuxPdescription     smuxPeerEntry.3  DisplayString   read-only       mandatory
  406. smuxPstatus          smuxPeerEntry.4  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  407. smuxTreeTable        smux.2           Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  408. smuxTreeEntry        smuxTreeTable.1  Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  409. smuxTsubtree         smuxTreeEntry.1  ObjectID        read-only       mandatory
  410. smuxTpriority        smuxTreeEntry.2  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  411. smuxTindex           smuxTreeEntry.3  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  412. smuxTstatus          smuxTreeEntry.4  INTEGER         read-write      mandatory
  413. unixNetstat          netstat.1        INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  414. unixTcpConnTable     netstat.2        Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  415. unixTcpConnEntry     unixTcpConnTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  416. unixTcpConnSendQ     unixTcpConnEntry.1 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  417. unixTcpConnRecvQ     unixTcpConnEntry.2 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  418. unixUdpTable         netstat.3        Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  419. unixUdpEntry         unixUdpTable.1   Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  420. unixUdpRemAddress    unixUdpEntry.1   IpAddress       read-only       mandatory
  421. unixUdpRemPort       unixUdpEntry.2   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  422. unixUdpSendQ         unixUdpEntry.3   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  423. unixUdpRecvQ         unixUdpEntry.4   INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  424. unixIpRoutingTable   netstat.4        Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  425. unixIpRouteEntry     unixIpRoutingTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  426. unixIpRouteFlags     unixIpRouteEntry.1 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  427. unixIpRouteRefCnt    unixIpRouteEntry.2 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  428. unixIpRouteUses      unixIpRouteEntry.3 Counter         read-only       mandatory
  429. unixRouteBadRedirects netstat.5        Counter         read-only       mandatory
  430. unixRouteCreatedByRedirects netstat.6        Counter         read-only       mandatory
  431. unixRouteModifiedByRedirects netstat.7        Counter         read-only       mandatory
  432. unixRouteLookupFails netstat.8        Counter         read-only       mandatory
  433. unixRouteWildcardUses netstat.9        Counter         read-only       mandatory
  434. unixClnpRoutingTable netstat.10       Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  435. unixClnpRouteEntry   unixClnpRoutingTable.1 Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  436. unixClnpRouteFlags   unixClnpRouteEntry.1 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  437. unixClnpRouteRefCnt  unixClnpRouteEntry.2 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  438. unixClnpRouteUses    unixClnpRouteEntry.3 Counter         read-only       mandatory
  441. -- automatically generated by mosy 6.0 #56 (cheetah), do not edit!
  443. -- object definitions compiled from EVAL-MIB
  445. snmpResearch         enterprises.99
  446. functions            snmpResearch.3
  447. expressions          snmpResearch.4
  449. functAdd             functions.1      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  450. functSub             functions.2      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  451. functMul             functions.3      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  452. functDiv             functions.4      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  453. functMod             functions.5      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  454. functNeg             functions.6      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  455. functXch             functions.7      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  456. functClr             functions.8      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  457. functDup             functions.9      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  458. functPop             functions.10     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  459. functAbs             functions.11     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  460. functSgn             functions.12     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  461. functMin             functions.13     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  462. functAnd             functions.14     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  463. functOr              functions.15     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  464. functNot             functions.16     INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  465. exprNumber           expressions.1    INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  466. exprTable            expressions.2    Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  467. exprEntry            exprTable.1      Aggregate       not-accessible  mandatory
  468. exprIndex            exprEntry.1      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  469. exprEval             exprEntry.2      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  470. exprExpr             exprEntry.3      OctetString     read-write      mandatory
  471. exprStatus           exprEntry.4      INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  472. exprHints            exprEntry.5      DisplayString   read-only       mandatory
  475. -- object definitions compiled from ALEXK-MIB
  477. alexk                experimental.99
  478. alexk-identification alexk.1
  479. alexk-loadaverage    alexk.2
  480. alexk-process        alexk.3
  482. me                   alexk-identification.1 DisplayString   read-only       mandatory
  483. alexkloadaverage1    alexk-loadaverage.1 INTEGER    read-only     mandatory
  484. alexkloadaverage5    alexk-loadaverage.2 INTEGER   read-only       mandatory
  485. alexkloadaverage15   alexk-loadaverage.3 INTEGER   read-only       mandatory
  486. alexknumprocesses    alexk-process.1  INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  487. akprocesstable       alexk-process.2  Aggregate       read-only       mandatory
  488. akprocessentry       akprocesstable.1 Aggregate       read-only          mandatory
  489. akpid                akprocessentry.1 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  490. akstat               akprocessentry.2 INTEGER         read-only       mandatory
  491. akcomm               akprocessentry.3 DisplayString   read-only       mandatory